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Xoxo (Anonymous, 91.150.177.) Warszawa 2 days ago

Is holding the puck NuvaRing 3 days longer will affect its effectiveness? Can I take a 7-day break and the protection will be maintained?
9.99 zł

I have a question about the NuvaRing album. I've been using the discs for half a year and I've always stuck to the exact dates and times when it comes to taking out and putting on a new disc. This time I kept the disc 3 days longer - I should have taken it out on Monday, but I took it out on Thursday. If I take this 7-day break now and put on a new album on Thursday, will everything be fine and the protection will be maintained?

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Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

2 days ago

Keeping the ring for 3 days longer does not affect the effectiveness of contraception, you can take a 7-day break, then put on a new ring and follow the instructions in the package leaflet.

According to the manufacturer's information:

"Although this is not the recommended course of action, if NuvaRing has been used for no more than 4 weeks, contraceptive efficacy is maintained. The patient can take a one-week break from its use and then put on a new ring. If NuvaRing has been used for more than 4 weeks, contraceptive efficacy may be reduced and pregnancy should be ruled out before a new ring is inserted."

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