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AtrProch (Anonymous, 84.242.137.) Warszawa 3 days ago

Where to remove the Implanon implant?

Because of the implaneon, my life turns into a nightmare every 2 months. I have severe mood swings, a drop in libido and bleeding so heavy that it is comparable to my period. They last up to 5 days. I've had the implant for over a year now and nothing is changing for the better. Gynaecologists spread their arms. They order to minsuolement iron because of the anemia that appears. I want to remove it already! Please let me know where in Silesia you can remove it with a laser without scars.

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

In order to remove the Implanon implant, you should see a gynecologist.

If you experience any discomfort related to the contraceptive implant, I encourage you to report any side effects. Reporting side effects allows you to increase control over medicines available on the market. We wrote more about how and why to report side effects in the article:


If you have additional questions about, for example, the properties of the implant, I encourage you to ask them. Pharmacists are specialists in medicines. We do not remove contraceptive implants using laser methods.

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