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Inna (Anonymous, 87.205.163.) Polska 3 days ago

Can I use Xylogel after drinking alcohol?
9.99 zł

Can I take xylogel into my nose after alcoholic beers in a concentration for children, not adults?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

3 days ago

The summary of product characteristics does not indicate a risk of interaction between Xylogel and alcohol. Xylogel very rarely causes side effects on the nervous and circulatory systems, but in the case of hypersensitivity to the active substance contained in the drug, alcohol can exacerbate side effects. Nasal preparations such as Xylogel should not be used for more than a few days (risk of habituation). Caution is advised when combining any medicinal product with alcohol - it is worth remembering that not all interactions have been specified in the literature.

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