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Kola (Anonymous, 31.0.62.) Kielanówka 6 hours ago

Can I use Concor Cor Tarivid, Neurobion Advance, magnesium and potassium? Whether Tarivid Can it cause a burning sensation in the urethral opening?
9.99 zł

Hello, I wanted to ask Bora, the drug concor cor 5mg once a day, plus tarivid 200mg 2 times a day And magnesium slowMag 2 times a day And neurobion 1tab. And 2 tab.potassium do you need any time interval, thank you
And one more question: can there be symptoms of urethral burning when using tarivid 200mg, thank you

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Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

5 hours ago

Concor Cor 5 and Tarivid do not interact with each other and can be used simultaneously. Please stick to the dosage recommendations you receive from your doctor. You can take Neurobion Advance (I guess you meant this drug) or potassium at the same time, as long as it has been recommended by your doctor. If you are using potassium on your own , you should consult the safety of its use with your doctor.

Due to the fact that magnesium compounds may reduce the absorption of fluoroquinolone drugs, which include ofloxacin contained in Tarivid, an appropriate time interval should be maintained between taking them. You can take the magnesium preparation, for example, 2 hours after taking Tarivid.

Among the side effects of Tarivid, a burning sensation in the urethral opening area was not reported. Burning, on the other hand, can be, for example, one of the symptoms of bacterial infections of the urinary tract or nephritis. The fact of its occurrence (or its persistence, if you also had a burning sensation before you started using the drug) should be reported to your doctor, who, having full access to your medical records, will assess the effectiveness of the drug.

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