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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Thomas  (Anonymous, 91.36.232.) Polska 3 days ago

What to use for flu in case of hypertension and palpitations?

Hello wanted to ask times have palpitations and I have a cold take what against flu can you validol take if you have a cold

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

Cardiac ailments are a contraindication to the use of typical flu drugs containing pseudoephedrine (e.g. Gripex, Tabcin, Ibuprom sinus). You can take paracetamol in case of exacerbation of pain and fever, throat lozenges with disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties (e.g. Orofar max, Tantum verde), nasal sprays for runny nose based on sea water (e.g. Quixx runny nose, Pelafen aerosol), inhalations, warming ointments (e.g. Vick) and preparations supporting the immune system (e.g. Grinovita, Verbascon).

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Validol has a calming and toning effect - it can be used in the case of increased nervous tension.

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