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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.


Polska 4 days ago

Can long-term use of Dulcobis in suppositories cause harm and what to use instead?

Good morning!

I started using Dulcobis before anal sex (passive side). Usually, just an enema is not enough for me because of the often soft stool.
Is the continuous use of Dulcobis suppositories max. Every 2 weeks or so, it can have side effects and what are they? How often can they be used? Should an additional enema be performed before or after the application of a suppository?

Do you offer any other guidance for my situation?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

As a rule, laxatives are not used chronically, but this applies to the daily administration of the drug for a long time. Excessive use of laxatives can disrupt electrolyte balance (loss of water and minerals) and irritate the anal mucosa. You can consider using less irritating products - e.g. Eva qu suppositories, which work naturally and due to their mechanism of action - they are more effective than classic glycerin suppositories.


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