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Aniaa (Anonymous, 5.173.233.) Warszawa 5 days ago

Is it safe to use Brodacid on warts at 38 weeks pregnant?

Can I use BRODACIN several times for warts during pregnancy at 38 weeks? Just a few times and my wart is almost coming down to healthy skin.

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

During pregnancy, especially in the advanced stage, caution is advised in the use of any medications, including topical preparations such as Brodacin, which contains salicylic and lactic acids. Although topical application of salicylic acid in small amounts is usually considered safe, it is due to its potential for absorption into the bloodstream, especially with damaged skin. Therefore, there have been no studies to support its safety during pregnancy and it is recommended to avoid this drug during this period.

It is best to consult your doctor before using Brodacid. Your doctor will assess whether it is safe to continue using Brodacin in your case, taking into account the potential benefits and risks for mother and baby.

If you need more personalized advice, you can use teleconsultations here:


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