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Qiqi (Anonymous, 90.45.117.) Warszawa 5 days ago

What should I do if my blood pressure increases while using Dexafree?

Dexafree offered for a month after my cataract surgery. My blood pressure has become high.... Is this current?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

2 days ago

The duration of treatment with Dexafree should not exceed 14 days (unless otherwise recommended by your doctor). The dosage of the drops should be reduced gradually before completely discontinuing the drug. Do not use eye steroids for a long-term period due to the risk of increasing pressure in the eyeballs and developing glaucoma; For this reason, I encourage you to consult the described problem with an ophthalmologist.

Information contained in the summary of product characteristics:

"During treatment, patients should be regularly and frequently examined for elevated intraocular pressure, secondary glaucoma, opportunistic infections and the presence of cataracts. The dose, frequency of administration and duration of treatment should be kept to a minimum.

Patients who have previously responded with elevated intraocular pressure are at risk of developing elevated intraocular pressure during retreatment.

Patients who have previously been diagnosed with elevated intraocular pressure (open-angle glaucoma, narrow-angle glaucoma, secondary glaucoma) and who require the use of corticosteroids for the eyes should be additionally evaluated for a further increase in intraocular pressure."

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