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Олександр  (Anonymous, 83.23.250.) Warszawa 5 days ago

Will Opokan help with radiating elbow pain?

Good afternoon, my elbows have been hurting for three months now, it radiates to the shoulder, can opokan help?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

2 days ago

Opokan is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug, so it should alleviate elbow pain, but it will be symptomatic. Long-lasting symptoms are an indication of diagnostics to assess the cause of the problem. A consultation with an orthopedist and ultrasound examinations of both joints are recommended. Sometimes these types of ailments result from overload caused by, for example, physical work or sports training, but they can also indicate chronic inflammation caused by, for example, joint degeneration. In both situations, rehabilitation may be necessary to restore full function of the upper limbs.

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