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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Orysia  (Anonymous, 5.173.31.) Warszawa 6 days ago

Is it normal to have menstruation after 7 days of taking progesterone?

Good morning, I've been taking progesterone for 10 days, but on the 7th day of taking the pills, menstruation started, is this normal?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 days ago

Bleeding onset while taking progesterone, especially after a few days of use, can happen and is often related to the body's response to hormonal stimulation. Progesterone sometimes causes the endometrium to peel off earlier, leading to bleeding.

If the bleeding is very heavy or does not stop, it is worth consulting your treating doctor for further evaluation and possible dosage adjustment.

If you need more personalized advice, you can use teleconsultations here:


The availability of Progesterone in pharmacies in Polish can be checked at the following address:


Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

2 days ago

After each treatment cycle, there should be a break in hormone therapy for about a week, during which withdrawal bleeding usually occurs. On the other hand, a common side effect that occurs while taking Progesterone is menstrual disorders and bleeding other than menstrual bleeding. In the event of aggravation, consultation with a doctor is recommended.

On our website, you can take advantage of a teleconsultation with a gynaecologist - the service is available on our website in the e-visit tab:


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