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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Izabella  (Anonymous, 31.0.92.) Łódź 3 days ago

What is the name of the Mounjaro 5 mg auto-injector, what is its cost, and can I buy a 10 mg pen and split the doses?

She takes a dose of 5 mg per week (in the form of ampoules) The price of one package at the DOZ pharmacy in Łódź is PLN 299, which means 4x PLN 299, i.e. PLN 1200 per month of treatment. If I bought violets of 10 mg, I divided them and the monthly cost was about 850 PLN. Please tell me exactly what kwikpen / autoinjector in a dose of 5 mg will be called and what the cost of kwikpen will be. Can you buy kwikpen 10 mg and split the dose?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

10 hours ago

Mojnaro 5 mg auto-injector is Mounjaro KwikPen, which contains the active substance tirzepatide. It is available in packs that contain 3 pens of 2.4 ml each.

The price for such a package in Polish pharmacies ranges from PLN 1058.33 to PLN 4800.99.

The availability of Mounjaro KwikPen in pharmacies can be checked at the following address:


As for the issue of splitting doses from Kwikpens, you can theoretically buy a higher dose KwikPen (e.g. 10 mg) and adjust the dosage as needed. However, it should be remembered that such action should be consulted with a doctor to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the therapy.

If you need more personalized advice, you can use teleconsultations here:


Magda (Anonymous, 77.91.51.) 6 hours ago

I mean, how do you divide? How does it come out in terms of price with kwikpen? I take 5 mg and I bought a vial of 10 mg and I injected it in half.

Tomek (Anonymous, 109.243.128.) 14 hours ago

Could you tell us which pharmacy has such a low price? Thank you.

Agata (Anonymous, 5.173.188.) 14 hours ago

I do it and it's ok

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