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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Barbara Gallo (Anonymous, 78.208.61.) Warszawa 3 days ago

Could my 8-year-old son's conjunctivitis and herpes be side effects of the Broncho-vaxom medication he has been taking for two years?

Good morning my son is 8 years old and for the second year he takes the drug, this year after a few days from administration he had a strong conjunctivitis with itching and secretion (on an allergic basis reports ophthalmologist) in conjunction on the same side he had herpes manifestation. Who was I wondering if it is a causality or an undesirable effect of the drug? Thank you

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

6 hours ago

The symptoms you describe in the case of your son may indeed suggest allergic conjunctivitis. This condition is characterised by itching, redness, tearing and swelling of the eyelids, which can be caused by a reaction to various allergens such as pollen or irritants.
Additionally, herpes symptoms in the same area may indicate a viral infection, which sometimes occurs alongside allergies, but is not necessarily directly related to the Broncho-vaxom medication you are taking.

Broncho-Vaxom is used to increase resistance to respiratory infections, but it can cause allergic reactions such as skin rashes or swelling, which can also include the eye area.

If you have doubts about this situation, it is always worth consulting a doctor who can provide more personalized advice. If you are not able to make a face-to-face visit, I attach a link to the online teleconsultation: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja/z-pediatra

The advice is provided in Polish.

The availability of Broncho-Vaxom in pharmacies in Polish can be checked at the following address: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/13939/broncho-vaxom-3-5-mg-kapsulki/apteki

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