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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Maria (Anonymous, 87.177.230.) Warszawa 10 days ago

What can I do if, after buying new dentures and waiting for implants to grow in, I keep biting my tongue, I hurt, I can't eat and I have lost 6 kg?

Get new full dentures at the top and bottom. Now I have to wait 3 months for implants to grow in. I have a permanent professorship. What can I do, bite my tongue all the time, I'm in a lot of pain, can't eat anything
Dentist says, I have to go through it I've already lost 6 kg

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

7 days ago

If you purchase new total upper and lower dentures that are in the process of healing implants, it is important to focus on managing discomfort and pain. Acrylic dentures, which are most commonly used in these situations, can cause irritation, especially with lower dentures, which carry more stress to the oral tissues.

It is recommended that you consult your dentist to evaluate the fit of your dentures and any adjustments that can relieve pain and improve comfort. In the meantime, consider a liquid or semi-liquid diet to avoid further irritation and weight loss. If the pain is significant, your doctor may recommend pain medication or temporary prosthetic solutions.

In the long term, implant-supported dentures may be a better solution, offering greater stability and comfort, which may be worth considering once the implant healing process is complete.

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