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Ліза (Anonymous, 176.37.175.) Warszawa 33 days ago

What should I do if I have very heavy menstrual bleeding after taking Escapelle?

Good afternoon. On the second day of the cycle, I drank Escapelle (my husband finished with me, and I don't really want a second child now). Menstruation usually ends in 6 days. Today is the 7th, and it doesn't smell like the ending. The same abundant discharge. Is this the norm? What should I do?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

29 days ago

The "morning after pill" can cause cycle disorders and different menstrual bleeding:

"Menstrual bleeding may be different than usual. Most women have
normal menstrual bleeding on the scheduled date, but in some women it may occur later or earlier than usual. Irregular bleeding or mid-cycle spotting may also occur. If menstrual bleeding is delayed for more than 5 days, or is unusually light or heavy, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible."

If the bleeding continues to be heavy in the following days, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist. It is worth discussing with your doctor the possibility of introducing a permanent method of protection. Escapelle can only be used on an ad hoc basis.

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