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AAAA (Anonymous, 91.94.98.) Polska 39 days ago

What should I do if I have subcutaneous lumps and redness after being given Xeplion?
9.99 zł

Good evening
After using Xepion, I have subcutaneous lumps and a red spot on my arm. What can I do about it? Please help.

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

39 days ago

Information in the summary of product characteristics:

"XEPLION is intended for intramuscular use only. It should be injected slowly, deep into the muscle. Each injection should be administered by a healthcare professional. The dose should be administered as a single injection. It should not be given as divided injections. The dose must not be administered intravenously or subcutaneously. "

"In case of pain at the injection site, if the patient does not tolerate the discomfort associated with it, consideration should be given to switching from gluteal injection to deltoid injection, and vice versa (depending on the situation)."

Such strong ailments after administration of the drug do not happen very often. A lump, abscess or hardening of the tissue at the injection site are rare side effects that can also result from incorrect administration of the drug. If the problem recurs after each injection, it is important to tell your doctor. Until the appointment, you can use cool compresses to relieve pain and swelling in the particularly irritated area.

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