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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Franci (Anonymous, 146.241.14.) Warszawa 42 days ago

Will I always have high fevers and severe headaches after injecting the drug Kesimpta?

Hello, I did the first administration of the kesimpta first day high fever Wednesday today we are on Saturday and I still have a strong cold headache, but it will not always be like this, I hope !

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

39 days ago

According to the manufacturer:
"The most important and commonly reported adverse reactions were upper respiratory tract infections (39.4%), systemic injection-related reactions (20.6%), injection site reactions (10.9%) and urinary tract infections (11.9%)" "The incidence of injection-related reactions was highest after the first injection (14.4%), significantly decreasing with subsequent injections (4.4% for the second, <3% od trzeciego wstrzyknięcia)."

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