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Nobody (Anonymous, 46.20.57.) Poznań 45 days ago

Is Xanax only available from Upjohn in UK?

Is xanax available in Poland only from the manufacturer Upjohn ? Are there any pharmacies that order it from another manufacturer? What pharmacies are they? This xanax from the manufacturer Upjohn does not meet the treatment at all, because it does not work, even if I eat 5 tablets at once. There was Xanax from Pfeizer for a long time – this one worked excellently, the therapeutic effect was sufficient at a dose of 1 mg. Please do not write that the name of the active substance is the same - in theory it may be, but in practice it is not. Please reply.

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

43 days ago

In Poland, Xanax is produced by Upjohn, part of Pfizer, and currently Upjohn is the only official manufacturer of Xanax available on the market.

If Xanax does not produce the expected results or its effectiveness is reduced, this may be due to the fact that with long-term use of benzodiazepines such as Xanax, the body may become accustomed to the drug, causing a higher dose to be needed to achieve the same effect. This phenomenon is called pharmacological tolerance.

Although the active substance (alprazolam) should be the same, the excipients (e.g. binders, stabilisers) may affect the bioavailability of the medicine. Some people may respond better to certain formulas or products from different manufacturers. In this case, it is worth paying attention to alprazolam substitutes, which may have differences in auxiliary ingredients that affect absorption. Available substitutes include Alprox, Zomiren, Afobam or Alpragen, etc.

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