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Ірина  (Anonymous, 193.239.234.) Warszawa 15 hours ago

Can an ovarian cyst appear while taking Femoston?

Hello, please tell me, can an ovarian cyst appear when taking femostone?

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Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

8 hours ago

Among the side effects of Femoston was not observed to contribute to the formation of a cyst on the ovary. In addition, it happens that this drug is sometimes prescribed off-label (off-label) in the treatment of ovarian cysts.

However, each body reacts differently to the drugs used, so it is possible that this drug may to some extent contribute to the formation or development of already existing lesions on the ovary. There is a slightly increased risk of ovarian cancer during the use of Femoston, which becomes apparent within 5 years of use and decreases over time after discontinuation. However, there are many causes of ovarian cysts, so I recommend consulting a doctor who, based on your health condition, will allow you to determine the cause of the changes and recommend appropriate therapeutic treatment. If the cysts are accompanied by alarming symptoms, they should be reported to the doctor. The Gdziepolek.pl portal allows you to take advantage of teleconsultations, which takes place in Polish:


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