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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Kazimierz  (Anonymous, 185.245.194.) Warszawa 15 hours ago

Is there a more effective remedy for skin mycosis than Clotrimazolum?
20.00 zł

He has been using clotrimazolum 10 mg ointment on mycosis skin spots for several years. It helps a little, the stains disappear, then they reappear. The question is, is there anything new after which the stains would disappear completely? Kazimierz

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

12 hours ago

The use of Clotrimazolum ointment for a longer period of time, despite partial improvement, may suggest that the fungal infection requires a different therapeutic approach. It is difficult to propose a specific method of treatment based on such a short description.

Recurrent skin spots can be caused by improper use of the drug or the presence of another type of fungus that does not respond to clotrimazole. In this situation, I encourage you to consult a dermatologist, who can order appropriate tests and adjust the treatment accordingly to your current clinical condition.

As a pharmacist, I can offer over-the-counter antifungal remedies within my competence, e.g.:




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