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Magdalena (Anonymous, 188.146.116.) Warszawa 16 hours ago

Does coffee have antidepressant properties?
9.99 zł
20.00 zł

Hello, I have noticed that coffee makes me feel better... I mean, after Velatex and Bioxetina, I get depressed, I tried coffee and my mood improved... Does coffee have such properties? Can I use something natural to help myself with this depression? Any supplement? Greetings :-)

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Magdalena (Anonymous, 188.146.116.) 15 hours ago

Thank you and best regards :-)

Aleksandra Kowalczyk Pharmacist, Editor

15 hours ago

Velaxin and Bioxetine are drugs intended for the treatment of depression. If you feel that the preparations do not work properly, please report this fact to your doctor, who will adjust the dose of the preparations or decide on a possible change of medication based on your health condition and clinical experience.

Please remember that treatment with antidepressants is long-lasting, and their effect may be visible only after several days of use.

I do not recommend using any additional preparations without prior consultation with the attending physician.

As for the improvement of well-being after drinking coffee - there are studies that suggest that taking caffeine contained in coffee can reduce the symptoms of depression, but at this point more work is needed to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between caffeine and depression.

I am attaching materials that may be of interest to you:
https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/depresja https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-depresje

Answer appreciated:
20.00 zł
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