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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Doktor (Anonymous, 31.183.170.) Polska 17 hours ago

I can't handle the use of the inhaler Alvesco, the inhalation chamber does not fit and I struggle with hoarseness and oral mycosis.

I use an extension cord for all inhaled medications. The SUPER problem is with Alvesco because the tip of the applicator doesn't go in -- it has a different shape. I am convinced that I am not taking the full dose, and I am also fighting hoarseness and yeast. I'm a doctor and I can't cope with it anyway

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Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

10 hours ago

Thank you for sharing your feedback. Inhalation chambers are a great solution for people who have difficulty synchronizing their inhalation with pressing the inhaler. Unfortunately, not every chamber is universal and fits every inhaler. According to the manufacturer's information, the Alvesco inhaler fits the AeroChamber Plus chamber.

You can compare the prices of this type of products here and place an order with home delivery or collection in a Polish pharmacy:


In cities such as Warsaw, Wrocław, Katowice, Kraków, Lublin, Gdańsk, Łódź, Szczecin, Białystok, Poznań and Chorzów, products can be ordered with instant delivery in as little as 1 hour thanks to the Wolt Drive service.


Due to the fact that Alvesco contains cyclesonide, which belongs to glucocorticoids, it may cause side effects such as hoarseness, throat irritation or oral mycosis. Therefore, it is important to remember to rinse the mouth and its surroundings (if using a mask) after each inhalation. This will reduce the risk of these side effects.

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