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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Natalia  (Anonymous, 185.207.151.) Warszawa 17 hours ago

Dad has prostate adenocarcinoma (gleason 5+4), dog 48.51. From May, the p...

Dad has prostate adenocarcinoma (gleason 5+4), dog 48.51. Since May, I have been accepting Binabic 150. In July, the first injection of Reseligo 10.8 and the doctor suggested a break from taking Binabic. The next visit to the doctor is at the beginning of November for another injection. Is such a break in taking Binabic advisable?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

6 hours ago

Stopping Binabic (bicalutamide) after starting therapy with Reseligo (abiraterone) may be warranted, especially in the context of aggressive prostate cancer (Gleason 5+4) and high PSA levels (48,51). This approach can help assess the body's response to treatment and minimise potential side effects. Switching medications and pauses are often taken to assess how the body responds to treatment and to minimise side effects.

I encourage the decision to continue or pause therapy to be made by the attending physician, who will take into account all relevant clinical factors and test results. Regular monitoring of PSA levels is crucial to assess the effectiveness of treatment.

If your dad needs more personalized advice, you can use teleconsultations here:


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