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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Mart (Anonymous, 83.24.173.) Kielce 2 days ago

How long can I keep the vaccine Priorix in the fridge?

I would like to vaccinate my child with the Priorix vaccine in about 2 months. Due to the poor availability of this vaccine, I would like to buy it now. Can I store it normally for these 2 months in the fridge? Or is the pharmacy able to keep such a vaccine for me these 2 months in its fridge if I buy and pay for it?
Or will it be better to wait and look for a vaccine closer to the vaccination date and hope that it will be available?

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

There are no contraindications to storing Priorix in the refrigerator until the end of the expiry date of the purchased preparation.

You can check the availability of the Priorix vaccine using the following link:


When storing the drug, several rules should be followed:

- the temperature must be between 2 and 8 degrees

- keep the vaccine in the refrigerator on the middle shelf

- make sure that the packaging does not touch the back wall of the refrigerator, which may risk freezing the vaccine

- be careful not to damage the packaging

- do not put the vaccine on the refrigerator door – this is where it will be exposed to the greatest temperature fluctuations

- Never put vaccines in the freezer or freezer.

As for storing the drug at the place of purchase, you should ask the staff if they have such a practice. Also, some doctors' offices allow the possibility of storing the vaccine provided by the patient. You should ask about this possibility at the clinic.

We are not able to predict the situation with the availability of the Priorix vaccine in 2 months.

We wrote about how to store medicines in the article:


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