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Michał (Anonymous, 188.146.238.) Polska 3 days ago

Whether Lidoposterin Can it weaken the effectiveness of a condom?

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Can Lidoposterin increase the likelihood of a condom breaking during anal intercourse?

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

Yes, there is a potential risk that the condom will break. Ointments containing lidocaine can weaken the strength of the condom, especially if they are on a greasy, oily substrate, which is always the case with ointments. This is due to the degradation of the latex from which condoms are made, which can contribute to their weakening and breakage. It is definitely better to use water-based products or special gels or lubricants that are compatible with condoms.

A spray product containing lidocaine can be purchased from an online pharmacy:


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