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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Tomek (Anonymous, 109.243.1.) Łódzkie 3 days ago

Is the drug Mounjaro Works?

Hello, I've been using Mounjaro for 8 weeks - I'm currently finishing 5mg - I'm on a diet, etc. - and the weight hasn't budged - I have insulin resistance - when I read the opinions of others, after 2 months people lose about 10-15 kg - is it possible that the drug doesn't work for me at all?

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

Combining Mounjaro with a reduction in calories and physical activity results in a permanent and clinically relevant weight loss.
Clinical trials were conducted for 72 weeks (about 1.5 years). After 72 weeks of using the drug at a dose of 5 mg, an average weight loss of about 16 kg was achieved. The first effects were visible after the 1st injection.

If you think that the effect of the drug is too weak, I encourage you to consult your doctor again. You can also take advantage of teleconsultation, e.g. via the Gdziepolek.pl portal:


The effects depend, m.in on the diet and physical activity introduced. I encourage you to take advantage of the advice of a dietician who will create a menu suitable for you:


Elovelo (Anonymous, 213.134.175.) 1 day ago

No, it is not possible that the drug is not working. Start drinking more water, up to 3l a day. Add as much movement as you can, but a movement in which you are at least out of breath and tired. If you are hungry, increase the dose.

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