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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Wanda  (Anonymous, 91.94.78.) Warszawa 4 days ago

Can I accept Diprophos in steroid blockade for sciatica, if I useMetypred and I have glomerulonephritis?

Can I take diprophos in a block for sciatica, I have been taking the steroid metypred in a tablet at a dose of 16 or 8 mg alternately for 8 months, because I have glomerulonephritis. Painkillers do not help, and I am not allowed to take painkillers. Because of kidney and spine disease, I am in a difficult situation, I am in a lot of pain.

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Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

2 days ago

Diprophos is a prescription drug, and your doctor should decide whether it is legitimate and safe for you. Because this drug can affect kidney function and cause nephritis or nephrotic syndrome, it is contraindicated in kidney failure. If it is necessary to use it, special care should be taken and it should be used under medical supervision. I recommend that you consult a specialist who, having full access to your health condition, test results and the course of your disease, will be able to recommend appropriate treatment in your situation.

If necessary, the Gdziepolek.pl portal allows you to use teleconsultations:


Check availability of Metypred here and make a reservation at the pharmacy:


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