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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Magdalena 123422

Polska 40 days ago

What should I do if I am late with the Evra patch?
9.99 zł

Hello, I have been using evra patches regularly for 8 months. The day of changing the patch is Monday around 8 p.m. Unfortunately, I forgot to change it this time and changed it on Tuesday around 5 am. It was the 3rd slice. What should I do to make sure that the protection has been maintained. Is the day of changing the patch still Monday? This is the last patch before the break.

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

40 days ago

Follow the instructions described in the documentation for Evra:

"Delay of one or two days (up to 48 hours): Apply a new EVRA patch immediately. The next EVRA patch should be applied on the usual "Patch Change Day". If you have worn the patch correctly within 7 days preceding the first day of being late in putting on the patch, it is not necessary to use an additional method of contraception."

Yes, contraceptive protection is maintained, the day of changing the patch is still Monday.

You can book your Evra patches at the pharmacy of your choice here:


I have attached materials that may be helpful:



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