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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Alessia (Anonymous, 78.209.4.) Warszawa 38 days ago

Can I put on my eyes while using the Ducressa drops?

Can I use mascara after applying ducressa eye drops?
I work in a perfumery and it's not good to show up completely without makeup. In addition, I wanted to know if the use of these eye drops can lead to contraindications if I expose myself to the sun's rays in the pool or in the sea.

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

34 days ago

Ducressa are drops containing dexamethasone and levofloxacin, indicated for use in the prevention and treatment of eye inflammation. Applying mascara is not contraindicated when using eye drops, but makeup can irritate the inflammation in the eye. Studies have shown that levofloxacin has phototoxic effects only at very high doses, so the use of Ducress drops is not a contraindication to exposure to sunlight. Still, caution should be exercised and it is recommended to wear sunglasses.

Here you can book Ducress drops at the pharmacy of your choice:


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