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Ania  (Anonymous, 185.222.5.) Polska 38 days ago

Can I continue taking Belara tablets if my doctor has prescribed Zoely?
9.99 zł

Hello, I bought a prescription for zoely tablets 84 pieces because I had long bleeding with belar, but it has normalized, can I go back to them and will I get a prescription for them again and what then with these zoely pills that I bought and have not yet taken them plus a little in zoely I was concerned about their composition, especially acetate.

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

38 days ago

Theoretically, there are no contraindications to continuing Belara treatment, but you will have to visit a gynaecologist to obtain a new prescription. Zoely tablets will remain unused, as (legally) you cannot return medicines to pharmacies. "Acetates" are salts of chemical compounds (including medicines) that allow active substances to acquire specific properties (e.g. they can be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract). Acetates are completely harmless to the human body and are eliminated in the process of excretion.

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