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Magdalena (Anonymous, 188.146.116.) Warszawa 39 days ago

Which insomnia drug is worth choosing: Esogno, Trazodone, Ketrel or Lerivon?
9.99 zł
20.00 zł

Hello again :-) I wanted to ask about medications for insomnia... Which one should you choose: Esogno, Trazodon, Ketrel or Lerivon? What are the side effects of Esogno and Trazodone? Which of these drugs may turn out to be the best choice? Can I combine them? Another question: should you take them on an empty or full stomach? Thank you in advance, best regards

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

39 days ago

As a pharmacist, I recommend that the choice of insomnia medication such as Esogno, Trazodone, Ketrel or Lerivon be made in consultation with your doctor.

Esogno and Trazodone can cause drowsiness, dizziness, and other side effects that you may want to discuss with your doctor. Combining these drugs should always be consulted to avoid interactions. As for intake, Trazodone can be taken on an empty stomach, which can increase its effectiveness, but it is always advisable to follow your doctor's recommendations.

If you need more personalized advice, you can use teleconsultations here:


I have attached additional materials that may be helpful:


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20.00 zł
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