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PoprostuJa (Anonymous, 37.248.220.) Warszawa 40 days ago

Can Cipronex cause bleeding and purulent cough?

Hello, I was given cipronex for urinary tract infections, I have been taking it for the second day. A few hours after the first pill, bleeding and purulent cough appeared. Are these side effects? Stop taking?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

35 days ago

Blood present in the urine can accompany urinary tract infections. As a rule, neither hematuria nor purulent cough should be a side effect of taking one tablet of Cipronex. If the mood deteriorates, an urgent consultation with a doctor is recommended to assess the possibility of continuing the treatment. Some patients may show increased sensitivity to antibacterial drugs; In the event of intensification of side effects, medical follow-up is necessary.

In case of any doubts, I encourage you to use the teleconsultation with an internist - the service is available on our website in the e-visit tab:


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