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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Krisuu  (Anonymous, 84.10.253.) Warszawa 40 days ago

Can you use Borasol for the ear?

Hello, the doctor (ENT) prescribed me Borasol to use it directly into the ear canal, the problem is that in the leaflet it is written that he uses it outside, it is more and even forbidden to use it inside. How should I understand this, can be used like this if the doctor has recommended it?

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Motyl (Anonymous, 79.197.96.) 7 days ago

YOU CAN APPLY INTERNALLY. I WAS ALSO RECOMMENDED BY THE ENT SPECIALIST TO MY EAR AND NOSE WHEN I HAD STAPHYLOCOCCUS.... NOW I USED 10 ml on an empty stomach, I drank 30 minutes before a meal candida, streptococcus, staphylococcus... In my opinion, it works on a similar way to COCCOIDAL SILVER, although no one gives the exact composition.... probably because of the price, because BORASOL COSTS 15 PLN in the pharmacy.... and has an effect similar to Shostakovsky's balm.it also treats vaginal mycosis .soak a cotton wool tampon and put it on at night.... RECOMMEND!!!!!!

Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

37 days ago

What is included in the Borasol package leaflet:

"The drug is intended for topical application to the skin. Unless otherwise recommended by the doctor, the drug is usually wiped with the drug 2 to 3 times a day. Use in the form of pacifiers, compresses and rinses. Use for a short period of time. If you have the impression that the effect of Borasol is too strong or too weak, talk to your doctor."

Do not use if the patient is allergic to the active substance, orally, to the eyes, to extensive wounds and open cuts, and to large areas of skin."

There is no information regarding the prohibition of the use of the drug in the ear. In some situations, your doctor may recommend a different use of the drug than it would appear in the leaflet. In this situation, the preparation should be dosed in accordance with the medical prescription. Discuss any concerns with your treating doctor.

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