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Magda (Anonymous, 78.11.236.) Warszawa 40 days ago

Can Zoloft and Biofenac be combined?
9.99 zł

Good morning. I received a prescription for Biofenac and Fastum or Dicloziaja ointment from the orthopedist. I am taking Zoloft 100 mg at the same time, the dose will probably be increased. I wonder if these drugs are really not interacting and can be safely combined? And also, does the ointment, although as I understand it works locally, if it is taken by iontophoresis, not work so strongly that there is also an interaction? Thank you.

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

40 days ago

Zoloft (sertraline) and Biofenac (aceclofenac) used concomitantly may increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, especially in older people diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease or a tendency to gastrointestinal bleeding. If your doctor has recommended that you take these medications together, they will likely monitor symptoms associated with bleeding, such as abdominal pain or blood in your stool. In some cases, they may also recommend the use of medications that protect the stomach, such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). In conclusion, the use of these drugs simultaneously under medical supervision is not contraindicated.

The use of Fastum or Dicloziaja gel does not increase the risk of interactions, because these drugs do not penetrate the systemic circulation to a significant extent (also used in iontophoresis treatments).

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