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санна (Anonymous, 104.28.59.) Warszawa 10 days ago

Can Zafrilla cause breast pain?

I have been taking Zafrill tablets for four months now, but for the last month I feel that my breasts are swollen. The right breast hurts, the left one does not hurt so much. There are no lumps to the touch, but touching the right breast causes pain. Could this be a side effect? Before starting to take Zafrilla, I was examined by a gynecologist, and I did not have any problems with my breasts or thyroid. After surgery to remove endometriosis, I have been taking these pills since May.

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

6 days ago

Breast discomfort and pain is a common side effect of Zafrilla. If the ailments intensify or significantly hinder daily functioning, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist. It is difficult to assess whether there is a chance for the problem to calm down on its own.

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