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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Maurizio  (Anonymous, 93.70.66.) Warszawa 46 days ago

Can I feel unwell when increasing my duloxetine dose?

Good evening I started an antidepressant treatment with duloxetine from 30.. After a month I've passed the 60 one, I've been taking it for 3/4 days, but I always have dizziness and absurd hot flashes, I don't understand if it's just for some period or I have to change medication with the 30 one, it didn't happen to me only with this 60, it creates this effect for me, thank you for those who can help me

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

42 days ago

During the first weeks of treatment with duloxetine, the side effects of the substance are usually most noticeable. Malaise when increasing the dose of the drug may result from the failure to achieve the full therapeutic effect of the substance. A full response to treatment is usually observed after 2-4 weeks of the target dose. If the side effects persist after this time and get worse, tell your doctor.

Here you can reserve the duloxetine medicine of your choice in pharmacies:


We wrote more about side effects here:



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