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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Atywia 3 tabletki  (Anonymous, 188.47.120.) Warszawa 55 days ago

How will it affect my cycle if I only took 3 tablets of Atywia and gave up?
9.99 zł

Did 3 tablets of Atywia affect the cycle? On the first day of menstruation, I took the Atywia pill. I took two more in the following days. However, he wants to resign. How could these three doses (taken during the first 3 days of the planned mixture as the first hormonal contraception) affect my cycle? Will the next menstrual period occur at a regular time?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

55 days ago

Yes, you can take the test on the day of the expected ovulation. However, due to the pills taken, ovulation may not occur at all in this cycle or occur with a delay.

Autorka (Anonymous, 188.47.120.) 55 days ago

Thank you for the information. Can I make sure I ovulate on time by taking a test?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

55 days ago

Taking only 3 tablets of Atywia at the beginning of the cycle will most likely not affect the timing of the next menstrual period, but it may cause spotting or mid-cycle bleeding, especially a few days after these 3 tablets.

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