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Ewaaa (Anonymous, 87.101.35.) Warszawa 56 days ago

Can the Ginoring ring be removed after 14 days to speed up bleeding?
9.99 zł

Good morning. I'd like to remove the gynoring disc on 14.08, but I'd like to speed up the bleeding (because of the trip) and take it out on 7.08 and put on a new one on 14.08 (I also don't want to skip the bleeding by using a new disc right after removing the old one).
Is it acceptable to remove the disc after 14 days and take a week's break? Is the protection maintained?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

56 days ago

To @Ewaa:

It is acceptable to start the break earlier if the ring falls out and the patient does not realize it within 3 hours (only if the ring has been used continuously for the last 7 days). However, it is not recommended to deliberately shorten the cycle, especially since it is associated with the risk of weakening the effectiveness of contraception.

A single omission of withdrawal bleeding is acceptable and does not adversely affect the patient's health.

Ewaa (Anonymous, 46.134.103.) 56 days ago

Thank you for the clarification. So there is no information anywhere about taking the album out earlier, because it would have saved me even 3 days. There was already a question about this number of days https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/94777/witam-czy-cos-sie-moze-stac-jesli-krazek-zostal-wyjety-3-dni-wcz and the answer was that nothing should happen and the protection is maintained. Does skipping withdrawal bleeding have any health effects, apart from possible spotting or bleeding?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

56 days ago

Shortening the period of using the ring may be associated with a weakening of the contraceptive effect. Such a procedure to postpone bleeding has not been taken into account and investigated by the manufacturer. In addition, such treatment can lead to side effects, such as prolonged bleeding or spotting.

In order to postpone bleeding, the manufacturer recommends skipping the break between rings and putting on a new one for the next 3 weeks. Until the second disc is removed, there will be no withdrawal bleeding, but there is a risk of spotting and mid-cycle bleeding.

The leaflet describes exactly how to proceed to postpone the bleeding: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/96195/ginoring-przyrzad/ulotka

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