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Daniela  (Anonymous, 5.90.32.) Warszawa 59 days ago

When can treatment of an intimate infection caused by treatment with Pylera be implemented?

Hello, I started the pylera treatment a day ago and I already feel the discomfort from candida 🤦. My gastroenterologist recommended 10 days of therapy after which 1 month break and then the breath test. He wanted to know if I could start candida therapy during the month off. Thank you

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

58 days ago

If you experience discomfort related to a developing intimate infection, I encourage you to consult a gynaecologist to determine a treatment strategy. Do not stop treatment with Pylera, although the use of oral antibiotics can very often cause problems related to bacterial flora disorders. I encourage you to use probiotics (during antibiotic therapy and prophylactically after its completion) - both oral and vaginal, e.g.:


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