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Qlaira advice  (Anonymous, 105.245.106.) Warszawa 2 months ago

How will taking Qlaira affect my cycle because I had light periods before I started taking the pills?

I started taking Qlaira and when it came to expecting a bleed on the red pill and over the placebo pills, I got brown discharge and very light spotting which lasted for two weeks instead of a period. I am now half way through my second pack and am worried about how it will affect my period as I already had a very light period (only lasting 3 days) before I started taking the pill.

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

Brown discharge and slight spotting that occurred after starting Qlaira are typical symptoms associated with a switch of the hormonal axis to contraceptive pills. They often occur in the first month of use (or with a lower intensity also in the second cycle on tablets) and should disappear spontaneously with the next pack.

If the symptoms of similar or greater intensity persist in the next cycle, please see your gynecologist. Regular monitoring of your cycle and symptoms is crucial in the process of adaptation to new hormonal drugs.

If you need advice from a gynecologist, you can use teleconsultations here:

The availability of Qlaira in pharmacies in Polish can be checked at the following address:


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