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Silin (Anonymous, 78.163.112.) Warszawa 2 months ago

Does the morning after pill work during fertile days?

does the morning after pill work during fertile window?
My fiancé and I had a moment and I was wearing 3 cotton layers and his sperms got on the external layer. I wiped it and took the cloth off maybe after a few minutes and then I took the (morning after pill) but I was on my fertile window day (the 9th day of my period) but I’m a virgin and I’m afraid that I get pregnant.. could you please help me understand if it’s possible to happen

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Silin (Anonymous, 78.163.112.) 2 months ago

I will keep that in mind for sure.. thank you so much for your helpful advice and explanation.. appreciated

Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

The description does not indicate any risk of pregnancy. It is worth remembering that the "morning after pill" is not suitable for frequent use, as it can cause cycle disorders. Emergency contraception is intended for use in exceptional situations.

Silin (Anonymous, 78.163.112.) 2 months ago

Thank you so much for the explanation, as I mentioned I’m a virgin and this was the first time I’m intimate with a man.. so I got scared

Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

The morning-after pill inhibits or delays ovulation, which avoids conception in the event of unprotected intercourse. If there has been no penetration and ejaculation in the vagina (and the description indicates this), I do not see the need to take emergency contraception. The condition for fertilization is the presence of sperm in the woman's genital tract. The mere presence of semen on underwear will not cause pregnancy.

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