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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

анна (Anonymous, 5.165.24.) Warszawa 2 months ago

Is there a rash where the patch was applied? Evra Can it result from allergy to the drug or its detachment?

Hello. what to do if I stuck the Evra patch (for the first time in my life as prescribed by a doctor) a week ago, but there were small rashes on the skin. A week later, I glued a new one, but I got scared and took it off an hour later. 1 day has passed since then, the situation with rashes has become worse. Is it worth gluing a new plaster? Are rashes more likely to be due to the fact that I peeled off, or because I used patches at all?

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Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

Skin reactions at the site of Evra (such as rash, redness or itching) are common side effects of this medicine. The appearance of the rash may result from allergy to one of the components of the patch, e.g. polyisobutylene-polybutene glue. According to the manufacturer's information, allergy to any of the ingredients of the Evra patches is a contraindication to their use. Therefore, you should contact your doctor who will choose another hormonal contraceptive method. If necessary, the Gdziepolek.pl portal allows you to take advantage of teleconsultations, it takes place in Polish:


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