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Anita (Anonymous, 109.197.185.) Polska 2 months ago

Will homeopathic arnica help with eye haemorrhage?

Good morning. I have a question about the use of homeopathic arnica for intraocular haemorrhage. The stroke was a few months ago and it is very poorly absorbed, or maybe even not at all, because the field of vision in this eye has narrowed a lot. Can homeopathic arnica help in this case? If so, how to apply it and in what concentration?

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

2 months ago

Arnica, in both homeopathic and traditional forms, is often used as an adjunct in the treatment of bruises, swelling and minor injuries, due to its anti-inflammatory properties. However, in the case of eye haemorrhage, the use of arnica – especially homeopathic – is not normally recommended and its effectiveness in this context is not supported by strong scientific evidence. In homeopathy, arnica is used in extremely diluted doses, which, according to the assumptions of this method, is to stimulate the body to heal itself. If you are still interested in this method of treatment - for detailed dosage guidelines, please see a doctor.

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