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Ahaaaa (Anonymous, 78.9.28.) Warszawa 36 days ago

Whether Gynazol Can it cause stomach pain?

Hello, the gynaecologist prescribed me gynazol, vaginal cream, today my stomach hurts, are these the side effects after the cream? Will it pass? Do you need to take protective pills and do you need to go to the doctor for a new drug.

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

36 days ago

Gynazole (containing butoconazole) is a topical medication used to treat vaginal fungal infections. Its effects are mainly limited to the area to which it is applied, which makes systemic side effects such as stomach pain less likely. Nevertheless, some people may experience unusual reactions to medications.

If the stomach pain is persistent or intense, it is worth consulting a doctor to rule out more serious causes and discuss the possibility of switching to another medication if necessary.

You can make an appointment for a teleconsultation here:


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