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Albi (Anonymous, 178.217.197.) Koluszki 37 days ago

Can Akineton be used for involuntary tongue and eye movements caused by the drug Rispolept?

My son with autism took Risperdal for several years, he was discontinued due to gynecomastia. Swapping for Haloperidol. After 4 years, side effects appeared. The doctor stopped taking this drug. After two weeks, obsessiveness appeared, making it difficult to function. Again he was given Risperdal, but there are side effects – involuntary eye movements of the tongue – the psychiatrist gave additional Akineton to eliminate the side effects. Is such an action right?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

33 days ago

These drugs do not interact with each other and can be used simultaneously. Since Risperdal and Akineton are only available on prescription, their use must be decided by a doctor.

The Akineton Safety Data Sheet states that:
"Biperiden may exacerbate tardive dyskinesias (a hyperkinetic movement disorder characterized by irregular, sudden movements – most often of the muscles of the tongue, lips, jaw or face (sometimes also the orbital area), caused by neuroleptics. However, in cases where the symptoms of parkinsonian syndrome coexisting with tardive dyskinesia are very severe, continuation of anticholinergic therapy is warranted."

Therefore, the body's reaction should be observed. If involuntary eye and tongue movements do not pass after 2-3 weeks of Akineton use, it is necessary to consult your doctor again.

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