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Johnny (Anonymous, 46.204.1.) Warszawa 38 days ago

Whether Bisocard can cause tearing in the leg?

My right leg has been tearing me for over a week, I've been taking a bisocard 1.25, can it have something to do with it? I've been walking more lately, but I've never had it like this

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

36 days ago

Bisocard, which contains the active substance bisoprolol, is a beta-blocker used mainly in the treatment of hypertension and ischaemic heart disease. Although bisoprolol has well-documented side effects, tearing in the leg is not a typical symptom associated with its use.

The sensation of tearing in the leg may be associated with other causes, such as: neurological (e.g. neuropathy), orthopedic (e.g. discopathy), vascular (e.g. venous thrombosis) or vitamin and mineral deficiencies (e.g. magnesium, potassium)

If you experience a tear in your leg and suspect that it may be related to your use of bisocard, or if you have any other worrying symptoms, contact your doctor. Your doctor can assess your symptoms, perform appropriate tests, and recommend further action, which may include changing the dosage, switching medications, or further diagnostic steps to determine the cause of the problem.

The availability of Bisocard in pharmacies in Poland can be found here:


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