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Greg (Anonymous, 31.60.78.) Nowa Ruda 38 days ago

How to find a promotion for dried herbs with a short expiry date?

How to find promotions, a drug with a short expiration date?

7 answers, 4 subscribers

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19 days ago

Well, unless it does. Thank you for explaining the situation, Mrs. Angelika.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

19 days ago

To @Fiodor:
Unfortunately, not all pharmacies provide information about the prices of dried herbs. Providing prices on the portal is voluntary and not all pharmacies decide to do so, hence e.g. in Toruń there are no prices on the map and on the left side next to the names of pharmacies, in Warsaw some pharmacies provide information about prices - at the moment there are only a few of them.

Fiodor (Anonymous, 31.0.2.) 21 days ago

Unfortunately, in my Opera and Firefox browsers, you can't see the prices and I don't know why. I have to call pharmacies one by one and ask. When I hover the cursor over a selected pharmacy on the map, I only see what I already know anyway - i.e. the parameters of the preparation on the prescription. In Settings, there is also no option to "show prices" or anything like that. I don't know what is the reason that it doesn't work for me.

Franko (Anonymous, 46.112.70.) 25 days ago

When it comes to the quality of the dried marijuana, it is the same as with a long date, there is no difference, I have checked it many times by me and friends, besides, marijuana properly kept can lie quietly for a long time.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

25 days ago

All you need to do is enter the name of the raw material in our search engine, e.g.

Cannabis Flos THC 18% CBD ≤ 1% (S-Lab)


enter your location, e.g. Lower Silesia:


Then, next to the names of pharmacies, information about prices and the expiry date of the dried herbs will be displayed (I attach a photo).
Information about the price and expiry date is also visible next to the names of pharmacies. More here:


Komin (Anonymous, 37.225.45.) 29 days ago

Don't look for bargains.
In my opinion, the minimum shelf life is 6 months. The shorter this period, the more yellow/brown the dried herb is, has eaten trichomes, smells and tastes bad. The power is also much worse.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

36 days ago

In this article, we suggest how to book dried herbs in pharmacies connected to the portal:


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