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pacjent (Anonymous, 37.248.174.) Wrocław 2 months ago

how to deal with a bloated stomach, fatigue, lethargy, and headache after taking Diprophos?

Good morning. 1.5 weeks ago I took DIPROPHOS intramuscularly. Since then, I feel like a balloon, I have a bloated belly practically all the time, before and after eating. Ulgix, Espumisan, hydrominum do not help. Has anyone noticed similar effects in themselves, how did you deal with it? I am also accompanied by fatigue, lethargy and headache in the temple area. Please help me - I am getting married in a month.

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

The symptoms described (bloating, feeling of fullness, fatigue, lethargy, and headache) are typical side effects of corticosteroids such as Diprophos.

Water and sodium retention in the body can lead to bloating and feelings of fullness. I encourage you to limit your salt intake and increase your physical activity. With your wedding approaching, seeing your doctor immediately is advisable to discuss options for relieving your symptoms before this important day.

If you are not able to visit in person, I encourage you to use the teleconsultation:


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