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Kajka (Anonymous, 83.6.209.) Warszawa 2 months ago

Should I use protective measures when Dicloberl Retard

Do I have to take tabl. Shielding at Dicloberl retard

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

2 months ago

Dicloberl retard contains diclofenac, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). NSAIDs are effective in relieving pain and reducing inflammation, but they can also cause irritation of the stomach lining, leading to side effects such as stomach ulcers, erosions, and gastrointestinal bleeding.

For this reason, in the case of long-term use of Dicloberl retard or other NSAIDs, it is often recommended to use protective drugs to protect the gastric mucosa, such as:

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) - omeprazole, pantoprazole or esomeprazole reduce the secretion of gastric acid, which helps protect the gastric mucosa.


H2 receptor antagonists ranitidine/famotidine also reduce gastric acid secretion, although they act differently from PPIs.


Antacids - (e.g., Alugastrin, Rennie) on an ad hoc basis to neutralize stomach acid, but are not as effective in ulcer prevention as PPIs or H2 receptor antagonists.


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