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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Milavk (Anonymous, 178.235.189.) Polska 2 months ago

I'm in the process of taking 3 months of taking Slinda pills. Earlier, the ...

I'm in the process of taking 3 months of taking Slinda pills. Previously, I had been taking Axia combined pills.

Yesterday I took the 10th pill from the new package with a delay of about 3 hours. The day before I was about 1-2 hours late. I took the earlier ones at the same time. This morning I had intercourse with the ending in the middle. Is there a risk of pregnancy?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

In the presented situation, there is a small risk of pregnancy.

Slight delays in taking Slinda should not significantly affect the effectiveness of contraception. In this case, if the delay in taking the pill does not exceed 12 hours (3 hours and 1-2 hours), the contraceptive efficacy is maintained. The fact that you are in the third month of using Slinda means that the drug is already working with full effectiveness.

Continue to take your tablets as directed, trying to return to your regular schedule of taking at the same time. In case of further doubts or worrying symptoms, it is always worth consulting a doctor. If you are not able to make a face-to-face visit, I attach a link to the online teleconsultation:


Through the gdziepolek.pl website, you can check the availability of Slinda, book it at the pharmacy of your choice and pick it up after presenting your prescription:


I also encourage you to read materials on similar topics:



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