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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Mzrff (Anonymous, 31.0.50.) Warszawa 3 months ago

Can the sildenafil I take get into the sperm and endanger the baby if my wife is pregnant?
9.99 zł

If my wife is pregnant, can the substance sildenafil in a pill to improve erection taken by me, not by my wife, affect the development of the child, whether any compounds of this substance get in the semen, or does it have no effect?

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vitars (Anonymous, 216.131.112.) 2 months ago

There were many such topics on the forum, I recommend just reading them and you will be able to read what are the recommended pills. At first glance, I recommend either on or penis complete. To be ordered via the Internet. Braveran is also not bad, which can be bought in a pharmacy, but the first two proposals have a better composition when it comes to the content of L-arginine in the composition.

Morwina (Anonymous, 173.255.174.) 2 months ago

Okay, but something like that doesn't mean anything to me. I'm not very familiar with erection pills.

vitars (Anonymous, 216.131.105.) 2 months ago

Read more about the substance arginine, also known as L-arginine. It works similarly to blue pills, it uses nitric oxide to widen the lumen of blood vessels - and this is the cause of male disorders. Thanks to its effect on smooth muscles, nitric oxide is a substance that prevents certain diseases such as hypertension or heart attacks.

taraz (Anonymous, 216.131.112.) 3 months ago

There are several measures that you can start using. It does not have to be Viagra right away. She would say that it is rather a last resort.
I don't want to advertise any remedies, because this is not the place for this, but the ingredient arginine has very similar properties to viagra. It also uses nitric oxide to widen blood vessels. A bit of anatomy, but it's worth knowing what it is all about

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

To @morwina:

Sildenafil can cause side effects such as headache and malaise that your partner has experienced. These are some of the most commonly reported side effects of this drug.

There are no herbal alternatives with comparable effectiveness without side effects. Natural options like ginseng, maca, or L-arginine can help with mild cases, but their effectiveness is less documented.

Lifestyle changes, such as regular physical activity and a healthy diet, can also improve sexual function. It is always a good idea to consult with your doctor before using any supplements or if you have persistent problems.

morwina (Anonymous, 185.108.106.) 3 months ago

Mine is currently taking sildenafil pills. However, after the second pill he had to stop because the pills make him have a headache and he feels very bad ;/
Are there any herbal pills that would give similar effects but without side effects?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

The substance and its metabolites do not get into the semen and sildenafil can be safely used by a man whose partner is pregnant.

The fact that you are taking sildenafil does not affect the development of the fetus in any way and is completely safe for the mother and the developing child.

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